Welcome to Air, Water & Housing, Inc.

Developing housing and wraparound services for homeless verterans.

Persons Hands With Rainbow Colors

Air, Water & Housing, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing housing and wraparound services for homeless verterans. Our mission is to help individuals experiencing homelessness by providing them with safe and stable housing, as well as comprehensive support services to address their unique needs. Through our programs, we strive to empower individuals to regain independence and successfully transition into permanent living.

Donate To Our Cause Today!

Help us make a difference in the lives of homeless verterans individuals. Your donation can provide housing, support services, and hope for a better future. Donate today and be a part of our mission to end homelessness We greatly appreciate your help and assistance. Peace, Love, Positivity, and Blessings to you all!!

Our goal as Air, Water & Housing, Inc. is to provide the homeless population with safe and dependable housing options. Our programs are centered on giving people a roof over their heads and the essential wraparound assistance to enable them to go from homelessness to long-term housing. We want to empower homeless veterans and bring about long-lasting change in their lives by addressing the many issues they confront.

About Air, Water, & Housing,Inc.

Air, Water & Housing, Inc.  is a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing

homelessness in Southern California. Our mission is to provide stabilization and housing to homeless verterans, along with wraparound services that include therapy, financial management, gardening and livestock, community involvement, drug rehabilitation, mental health services, employment coaching, and skills training. By addressing the root causes of homelessness and providing comprehensive support, Air, Water, & Housing, Inc. aims to create sustainable solutions and empower individuals to regain self-sufficiency and dignity in the most humane sense

of supporting basic needs through togetherness.

Circle Check

Circle Check

Circle Check




Photo of People Putting Their Hands Up

Circle Check

Air, Water & Housing, Inc. offers a comprehensive range of services to support homeless verterans individuals in their journey towards permanent living. Our dedicated team of professionals provides a safe and nurturing environment, along with essential resources and support with services such as those listed below.

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Financial Literacy

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Anger Management

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Community Support

Peer to Peer Interaction

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Drug Rehabilitation

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Spiritual Guidance

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Reintegration Procedures



A Few Of Our Major Services



For homeless veterans, raising animals may offer a variety of therapeutic and useful advantages. Engaging in these activities can make them feel more purposeful and meaningful, boost their physical and mental health, and develop their social skills.

Stress and anxiety can be reduced by gardening, which has therapeutic and relaxing effects. For soldiers who might be struggling with PTSD or other mental health conditions, this is extremely crucial.


Farm Animals

Veterans who are homeless may feel more accomplished and purposeful after completing skills training. Acquiring new abilities and finishing training courses may boost their enthusiasm and sense of accomplishment, both of which are beneficial to their general health.

A sense of self-awareness and self-compassion may be fostered by meditation. Veterans who are homeless may experience emotions of guilt, humiliation, or worthlessness; meditation can support them in growing a stronger sense of self-acceptance and self-care.


Skills Training

The Program!

1. Needs Assessment (Week 1):

•Evaluate the needs of the target population and tailor the program accordingly.

•Gather information about the participants' backgrounds, skills, and goals.

•Identify any specific barriers to reintegration they might face.

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5. Spirituality and Mindfulness (Weeks 17-18):

• Introduce various spiritual practices and philosophies to help build inner strength and


• Teach mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep-breathing exercises, to

promote mental well-being.

Programing And Timeline

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Circle Check

2. Mental Health Education (Weeks 2-4):

• Provide mental health awareness and coping strategies.

• Teach stress management techniques, emotional regulation, and communication skills.

• Offer resources for professional help and support.

Circle Check

6. Drug Rehabilitation and Support (Weeks 19-24):

• Offer resources and support for those struggling with substance abuse issues.

• Encourage participation in local support groups and rehabilitation programs.

• Continue to provide mental health support and guidance throughout this process.

Circle Check

3. Gardening and Life Skills (Weeks 5-12):

• Teach basic gardening skills, including planting, maintaining, and harvesting.

• Use this as a platform to develop responsibility, patience, and self-esteem.

• Connect the gardening activities to broader life skills, such as time management, goal

setting, and perseverance.

7. Community Reintegration (Months 6-9):

• Assist participants in finding housing, employment, and social support networks.

• Facilitate opportunities for participants to engage with the local community.

• Monitor progress and provide ongoing support as needed.

Circle Check

4. Financial Literacy (Weeks 13-16):

• Educate participants on budgeting, saving, and banking.

• Teach the basics of financial planning, including understanding credit, loans, and debt.

• Provide resources for job training and employment opportunities.

Benefit 1

Stability and security: By giving homeless veterans a safe and secure place to live, permanent housing can help them rediscover a feeling of regularity and normality in their life.

Benefit 2

Better mental and physical health: Because of their living circumstances, homeless veterans frequently have poor mental and physical health. Better health outcomes and easier access to healthcare services can be achieved by providing permanent housing.

Benefit 3

Improved access to benefits and services: By giving homeless veterans a permanent address, permanent housing can facilitate their application for government benefits and services, including food assistance, social security, healthcare, and VA benefits.

Benefit 4

Improved feeling of community and self-worth: Veterans who have been homeless for some time might find new meaning and self-worth in permanent residence. It can lessen the stigma and social isolation that can accompanies homelessness and provide them a feeling of belonging and support.

Our participants say this about us.

Thanks to Air, Water & Housing, Inc., I was able to find stable housing and regain my independence. The supportive services and resources they provided truly made a difference in my life.

Leave Us A Message!

Volunteers Collecting Trash on Green Grass Field
A Male Volunteer Talking to a Person

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to get involved with Air, Water & Housing, Inc., please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you!

Email: rsparks@airwaterandhousing.com

Phone Number: 619-456-7425

Working Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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